Public Theology

Witnessing to our faith through engagement in the public space

During the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the LWF, as a global family of churches, reaffirmed that our engagement in the public space is a vital element of what it means to be Lutheran today.

Public engagement is the church’s ongoing response to the freedom we receive in Christ to love and serve our neighbor in need.

By engaging with issues of common interest, we seek to build the common good and fulfill our calling to be prophetic voices for transformation within our societies.

Our work builds on the LWF’s two strategic priorities of “supporting churches’ vibrant presence and witness in the world” and “promoting human dignity justice and peace”.

Our goal is to provide a space and encourage theological reflection grounded in practical congregational experience and engagement in civil society.

Our intention is to present our Christian faith and values in ways that can be understood by people of all faiths and none.

Our commitment is to strengthening the public space as a place of equal access, safety and meaningful participation for all, especially the marginalized and most vulnerable.


Mikka McCracken, coordinator of Waking the Giant efforts in the United States. Photo:LWF/Albin Hillert

The lecture series in the open-access resource revolves around the topic of public theology and is the result of cooperation between the Berlin Center for Public Theology in Germany, the Beyers Naudé Center for Public Theology in South Africa, and the Lutheran World Federation. It brings together leading experts from all over the world delivering lectures on different aspects of public theology.

Recorded during the COVID-19 pandemic in various contexts, each lecture contains a presentation (both in video and audio formats) with accompanying slides, additional study material and supplementary reading. The lecture series was first offered to graduate students in Berlin and Stellenbosch; the series is part of the Lutheran World Federation learning modules but is also designed to benefit all students in areas where study material is hard to access and travel is difficult due to lack of funds or opportunities.

If you would like to receive the original video and audio files of each session, plus further reading material, please email Rev. Dr Sivin Kit.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in these sessions do not necessarily reflect the official policy or positions of the LWF

Resources available in our learning platform

  • Session 1: Why public theology? African, European, Asian, American perspectives
    • Introduction:
      • Prof. Dr. Dion Forster, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
      • Rev Dr. Sivin Kit, The Lutheran World Federation, Switzerland
      • Prof. Dr. Torsten Meireis, HU Berlin, Germany
    • Speakers:
      • Rev Dr Hermen Shastri, General Secretary, Council of Churches of Malaysia
      • Prof. Marcia Pally, New York University, USA
      • Prof. Godwin I. Akper, Professor of Systematic Theology, National Open University of Nigeria
      • Bishop Prof Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, Chairperson of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany
  • Session 2: Public theology and biblical exegesis
    • Prof. Dr. Julie Claasens, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  • Session 3: The 'theology' in public theology
    • Prof. Dr. Dirk Jacobus Smit, Princeton Theological Seminary, USA
  • Session 4: The 'public' in public theology
    • Prof. Dr. Torsten Meireis, Berlin Center for Public Theology, HU Berlin, Germany
  • Session 5: Public Theology in an Islamic Perspective
    • Prof. Dr. Aslam Fataar, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  • Session 6:  Public Theology and African Theologies of Liberation
    • Prof. Dr. Rothney Tshaka, University of South Africa (Unisa), Pretoria, South Africa
  • Session 7: Public theology, social media and digitalization
    • PD Dr. Frederike van Oorschot, Forschungsstäte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft (FESt), Heidelberg, Germany
  • Session 8: Public theology: contextuality and intercontextuality
    • Prof. Dr. Rudolf von Sinner, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUC-PR), Brazil

If you would like to receive the original video and audio files of each session, plus further reading material, please email Rev. Dr Sivin Kit.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in these sessions do not necessarily reflect the official policy or positions of the LWF

  • Videos | Audios
  • Session 9: Politics, democracy, civil society in a globalized world
  • Session 10: Creation and sustainable development
    • Prof. Dr. Jonathan Kivatsi Kavusa, Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (ULPGL-Goma), DR Congo
    • Dr. Clemens Wustmans, Berlin Center for Public Theology, HU Berlin, Germany
  • Session 11: Ways of life and human rights
    • Prof. Dr. Nico Koopman, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  • Session 12: Science, learning, and faith
    • Prof. Dr. Dion Forster, Beyers Naudé Center of Public Theology, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
  • Session 13: Blessed are the Peacemakers
    • Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac, Bethlehem Bible College, Palestine/Israel
  • Session 14: Gender and sexuality
  • Session 15: Faith actors in civil society: between civil commitment and resistance
  • Session 16: Local Faith Communities - Religious Leaders: Public Appearance and Leadership
    • Prof. Dr. Kung Lap Yan, Divinity School of Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Session 17: Education, agency and the public
  • Session 18: Voicing international issues: public theology on an international scale
  • Session 19: Prosperity, work and economics
    • Prof . Dr. Piet Naude, University of Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa

If you would like to receive the original video and audio files of each session, plus further reading material, please email Rev. Dr Sivin Kit.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in these sessions do not necessarily reflect the official policy or positions of the LWF

  • Videos | Audios
  • Session 20: Approaches to public theology: a conversation on doing public theology
    • Moderator:
      • Rev Dr. Sivin Kit, The Lutheran World Federation, Switzerland
      • Conversation I
        • Rev. Dr. Seferosa Carroll, WCC, Geneva, Switzerland
        • Prof. Dr. Sebastian Switzerlandang Hwan Kim, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA
        • Prof. Dr. Nico Koopman, StellenbosSwitzerland University, South Africa
        • RESOURCES:
      • Conversation II
        • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Huber, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
        • Prof. Dr. Esther Mcintosh, York St. John University, UK
        • RESOURCES:
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