Polish American artist and theologian Kristen Opalinski has won top awards for her designs illustrating the Krakow Assembly theme of ‘One Body, One Spirit, One Hope’.
A British couple living on the Greek island of Lesbos found themselves caught up in the refugee crisis of 2015 as thousands sought shelter and asylum in Europe. Listen to their story in the second episode of the ‘Living as Neighbours’ podcast…
A reform of global governance and a commitment to safeguarding the future of the planet and its inhabitants: that is what civil society organizations, including LWF delegates, are discussing as they look ahead to the UN Summit of the Future…
With its income-generating activities mostly grounded by the war in Gaza, the Palestinian Lutheran church extends small acts that keep hope alive, thanks to solidarity from the Lutheran communion.
In the wake of catastrophic floods in southern Brazil, LWF General Secretary Burghardt has expressed solidarity with Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil.
From refugee to founder of a cultural center for education and integration on the Greek island of Lesbos: Rouddy Kimpioka shares his story in the first episode of ‘Living as Neighbours’ podcast