As the fairly young and indigenous Lutheran church in the Republic of Congo expands its work, the pastoral training center it set up five years ago is welcoming students from countries in the region.
Interview with Lutheran Church Secretary General Nkasa Talwa
(LWI) - The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is scheduled to hold municipal elections between October and November 2014, provincial polls in 2015 and presidential…
Young Reformers turn attention to deforestation in Congo
(LWI) - For Cedrick Yumba Kitwa, the 500th Reformation anniversary sub-theme “Creation – not for sale,” is a call to turn attention to what is happening in Africa’s largest…
(LWI) - “Unity is a gift of God, given to us at the price of Christ’s blood at the cross. Therefore, unity is for free, yet it is very costly,” the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) General…
LWF’s intervention at 40th session of UN Human Rights Council
(LWI) – The human rights situation in Myanmar, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Sudan, and access to justice for people living with albinism were key topics for The…
Survivors’ voices at the center of shadow report to CEDAW committee
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is among five civil society organizations calling on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) government to urgently assume its…