(LWI) – “I had five children. All of them were killed,” Bernadetta Myanura says. The elderly woman has a scar on her arm. Her granddaughter is all the family she has left. The 14-year-old-girl is…
Human rights champion to speak about gender-based violence, healing and peace
(LWI) Eminent Congolese surgeon Dr Denis Mukwege will be the keynote speaker at the Twelfth Assembly of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) held in Windhoek,…
While Dr Denis Mukwege from the Democratic Republic of Congo was delivering his keynote speech to the Twelfth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in the Namibian capital of Windhoek, there was new fighting in his home country. Mukwege…
LWF and UNHCR set up a new camp for people fleeing DRC
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) are jointly striving to carve a living area out of dense Angolan bush for…
Young Reformers turn attention to deforestation in Congo
(LWI) - For Cedrick Yumba Kitwa, the 500th Reformation anniversary sub-theme “Creation – not for sale,” is a call to turn attention to what is happening in Africa’s largest…