Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Iglesias Miembro Los miembros de la FLM representan a más de 78 millones de cristianos de tradición luterana en 99 países de todo el mundo. Tiene 151 iglesias miembro, incluidas dos iglesias miembro asociadas, así como diez iglesias y congregaciones reconocidas y dos consejos reconocidos.
Image Prague. Protestants in the Czech republic raised half a million Czech crowns for women in the DRC. Photo: Roman Boed, creative commons Czech Protestants raise 18,000 EUR for rape survivors in DR Congo Support to Panzi hospital of Dr. Mukwege Foundation (LWI) - The Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren (ECCB), a member church of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF…
Image Migrants and Czech citizens share different customs during a workshop run by Czech diaconia. Photo: Diakonie ÄCE ECCB urges Czech government to help refugees Synod Council statement: duty to protect and to honor EU partnerships (LWI) - The Synodal Council of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren (ECCB), a member church…
Image Olga Navrátilová from the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert Uniting faith and reason in the Czech Republic Voices from the Communion: Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren speaking out for hospitality and inclusion in a secular country (LWI) - What role does religion play in the Czech Republic, one of the most secular countries of the world?…
Image The Learning Programme was developed with interdiac partner organizations. November 2020, Tallinn, Estonia consultative meeting. Photo: interdiac New diaconal program teaches conflict transformation Learning Programme focuses on Central and Eastern Europe context (LWI) - The International Academy for Diaconia and Christian Social Action and Diaconia in Central and Eastern Europe (interdiac) offers…
Image Alena Fendrychová, Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, and a member of the âSolidarity Groupâ that coordinates the LWF European diaconal process. Photo: Private Café Obýváček - A welcoming space for migrants and refugees in the Czech Republic Diaconal worker Alena Fendrychová reflects on how “conviviality” helps to break stereotypes (LWI) - In a country with “only very few refugees and migrants” but a rhetoric that they are a threat to society, Evangelical Church of Czech…