What tasks and actions arise for the LWF member churches from the message and other results of the Thirteenth Assembly? Two German churches explored this together at a joint event.
From 2025 the synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany will be composed of equal numbers of men and women and ten percent of people aged 27 and younger.
How can we end gender-based violence, and how can we become a more gender-just communion? These questions were raised at the recent meeting of the Network for Gender Justice and Women’s Empowerment in Central and Western Europe.
At the WCC 11th Assembly, LWF General Secretary Burghardt leads Lutherans from around the world in sharing their joys, concerns, and hopes, and reflecting on the assembly theme from a theological perspective.
WITTENBERG, Germany/GENEVA, 27 February 2015 (LWI) – At its first meeting, 22 - 25 February in Wittenberg, Germany, the LWF working group on the “Women on the Move”…
(LWI) – “The Reformation must continue as a living experience of the people of God.” Speaking about the ongoing reformation in his morning devotion, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)…
Women in Central Western Europe discuss the gender gap and “MeToo”
(LWI) – Better conditions for women in church leadership positions, participation in decision-making bodies of the church, fair living and working conditions for women and…