Deep commitment to and passion for serving the church
Geneva, 26 August 2015 (LWI) - Leaders of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) have expessed shock at the sudden death of Bishop Emeritus Niels Henrik Arendt of the Evangelical Lutheran…
Voices from the Communion: Council member Bishop Henrik Stubkjaer
(LWI) – Henrik Stubkjaer (56) talks to the Lutheran World Information about the challenges of being the church in a secularized society and new platforms for the church’s…
“In times of exclusionary populism, silence is never an option”
(LWI) - In his New Year message, the General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Rev. Dr Martin Junge calls on churches to bear witness to the gospel message…
LWF President Musa shared LWF’s 2020 Christmas Message
(LWI) – In a Christmas season marked by uncertainty and fear from the unfamiliar and unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Christians are invited to trust in the promise…