The contexts of the different members of the working group are so different that I expected endless discussions without a possibility of convergence. But actually we did not compete in the…
This year’s Global Leadership Team Meeting will focus on the new LWF World Service Strategy. Seeing the high number of conflicts, often exacerbated by natural disaster worldwide, discussions will center around how to best serve people in need.
A pianist since the age of 12, who went on to become the first woman president of a French Protestant church, Rev. Emmanuelle Seyboldt reflects on leadership and “the Bible at the center of my life.”
GENEVA, 14 November 2015 (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation(LWF) condemns in the firmest terms the despicable attacks in Beirut and Paris, this Thursday and Friday, which have caused massive loss of lives.
(LWI) A joint ecumenical service commemorating the Reformation last week was one of a number of ecumenical events convened by Catholics and Lutherans in France.
(LWI) - Churches in France, among them the LWF member church, have united to welcome refugees to the country. The “Humanitarian Corridors” project follows a similar example from Italy. Its purpose is…
Joint action to respond to “unprecedented threat” of coronavirus pandemic
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) together with other organizations is joining the global appeal of the United Nations (UN) for donations to respond to …
Continued engagement for women’s empowerment and gender justice
(LWI) – "It is important to take stock halfway between the last LWF Assembly in Namibia in 2017 and the next Assembly in Poland in 2023, and to identify the issues for…