Hong Kong: a vibrant city where East, West, South and North meet; a city with seemingly unlimited financial resources that celebrates—some might even say worships—consumerism; a city that every evening at 8 pm…
We must draw on the past in order to examine inter-faith dialogue, says Dr Tong Wing-sze, director of the Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre, in Hong Kong, which is to host next month’s interfaith consultation,…
Rev. Dr Kristin Johnston Largen reflects on her visit to temples and mosques in Hong Kong. Largen is one of the international participants at the LWF inter-faith consultation on religious life and public space, taking place in…
(LWI) – In spite of it being a document to bridge Catholic-Lutheran relations, the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification had two different Chinese translations: One by a Catholic, one by a…
LWF co-sponsored consultation affirms continued dialogue at the grassroots of society
HONG KONG /GENEVA, 8 September 2015 (LWI) – An international consultation deliberating the role of religion in the public space in Asia has called for…