I’ve worked in Honduras over many years since the late 90s, working in emergency response and as a photojournalist. Recently I went to visit some of the areas that were worst hit by the double hurricanes in…
“In times of exclusionary populism, silence is never an option”
(LWI) - In his New Year message, the General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Rev. Dr Martin Junge calls on churches to bear witness to the gospel message…
Joint action to respond to “unprecedented threat” of coronavirus pandemic
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) together with other organizations is joining the global appeal of the United Nations (UN) for donations to respond to …
(LWI) - In a letter to Lutheran churches in Central America, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge has expressed solidarity with the people and communities affected by the …
SIGUATEPEQUE / Honduras (LWI) - Un total de 20 líderes, entre jóvenes y adultos, mujeres y hombres de diferentes edades, de la Iglesia Cristiana Luterana de Honduras (ICLH) participaron en el taller de comunicaciones y redes sociales...