Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Iglesias Miembro Los miembros de la FLM representan a más de 78 millones de cristianos de tradición luterana en 99 países de todo el mundo. Tiene 151 iglesias miembro, incluidas dos iglesias miembro asociadas, así como diez iglesias y congregaciones reconocidas y dos consejos reconocidos.
Image Illustration by Volha Prankevich on behalf of Annenkirche (the Church of St. Anna), Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia. 2019 LWF Christmas message: Light in the darkness Invitation to Christians to make "the light of Christ visible and transformational" (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) President Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa invites Christians to make “the…
Image Children from the Quartieri Spagnoli area of Naples enjoy football training as part of an education project to help them learn vital life skills Photo: Caroline von der Tann/ELCI COVID-19: Breaking the cycle of poverty for young people in Naples The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy provides short-term aid and long-term opportunities for vulnerable families (LWI) - In Italy, the first European country to be affected by the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), restrictions are…
Image The Federation of Evangelical Women in Italy focuses on womenâs health and wellbeing in a dossier for the 16 Days of activism to end gender-based violence. Photo: Unsplash/Christopher Campbell Italian Protestants publish women’s health dossier For 16 Days campaign, Evangelical Women in Italy shine spotlight on women’s health in light of COVID pandemic (LWI) - Women’s health, from life in the womb, through puberty to menopause, is the subject of a series of…
Image LWF President Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert Unexpected joy during an unprecedented Christmas LWF President Musa shared LWF’s 2020 Christmas Message (LWI) – In a Christmas season marked by uncertainty and fear from the unfamiliar and unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Christians are invited to trust in the promise…