Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ by caring for our common home
Climate is changing. The atmosphere of the public debate on environmental protection is also changing. COP 24 clearly showed that conversations about joint actions to protect…
Investment in youth leadership is a call of the Gospel and has also been a central commitment of the LWF for decades.;
The youth pre-Assembly brings together LWF Assembly delegates who are 18-30 years old to worship, build community and capacity for participation in the Assembly, and to discuss LWF youth priorities. At the Assembly, the group will present those priorities. LWF Assembly stewards are also invited to attend the Youth Pre-Assembly.
LWF supports twelve Ukrainian refugee students who attend the Albert-Schweitzer- School in Gliwice, Poland, a Protestant school with a Lutheran profile. This is a great support for them and their families.…
Seven young people bring the Lutheran communion experience to COP 24
(LWI) -The planet’s future lies in the balance as world leaders, civil society and climate activists meet in Katowice, a coal mining town in Poland, to figure out how to…