At an information session about the present situation in Syria, Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, LWF World Service Global Program Coordinator, informed about the present situation in the war and crisis-shaken Syria.
Deforestation and freedom of religion in the world were themes in the opening worship of the LWF 2014 council meeting in Medan, Indonesia. The service took place in Jalan Sudirman church in Medan, belonging to the Christian Batak Protestant…
Member churches of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) have increased their commitment to the communion in the fiscal year 2013, Christina Jackson-Skelton, Chairperson of the LWF Finance Committee reported to the LWF Council meeting 2014 in Medan…
Indonesian member churches of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) have planted partner trees for the ones in the Wittenberg Luther Garden at the Ecumenical Centre of the Council of Protestant Indonesian Churches in North Sumatra on 15 June 2014.…
Hong Kong: a vibrant city where East, West, South and North meet; a city with seemingly unlimited financial resources that celebrates—some might even say worships—consumerism; a city that every evening at 8 pm…
A reflection on climate justice and the olive trees in Gethsemane
The Gethsemane garden in Jerusalem is full of olive trees. They produce fruit annually, life-giving olives that can be pressed into oil that nourishes and nurtures. Some of…
Lunar New Year is, without doubt, the most important annual festival for the Chinese. It is not only a long holiday in Hong Kong, but also a time for family and friends to gather. It is…
Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You…
Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters. One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only…