Delegates from other countries other than Brazil attended the recent Lutheran youth gathering in Brazil. For Guatemalan Pablo S. Gudiel, the friendly meeting enabled young Christians to discuss their global mission. …
Gints Graudiņš, a Young Reformer from Latvia, looks at the long-term effect of the Living Reformation projects by youth in LWF member churches across the world.
The New Testament is full of analogies that describe…
A Young Reformer from Colombia shares the enthusiasm of youth who are implementing “Living Reformation” projects in Latin America and Caribbean region.
Caroline Ditebogo Lebea is a member of the LWF delegation at the UN climate conference in Marrakech, Morocco. She shares some of the lessons youth are learning and the experiences they bring.
Although I am young in academia, participating in the COP 22 climate conference in Morocco in November 2016, was an opportunity to engage with the issue of climate change as part of the international community. Out of the several meetings and…
LWF Youth Secretary, Caroline Bader, and LWF Council member/Director ELCA World Hunger, Mikka McCracken, examine the ways in which LWF youth can shape the Sustainable Development Goals
The Youth Pre-Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation has brought together 106 individuals from 45 countries. From my perspective, I see this first bit of time together as each person in the room becoming aware of each other and what gifts that…
Die Welt zu Gast bei Freunden – so lautete das Motto der Fussballweltmeisterschaft 2006 in Deutschland. Ich finde, auch 2017 kann man diesen Slogan verwenden, wenn Menschen aus unterschiedlichen kulturellen Kontexten in Wittenberg zusammenkommen…
In July 2017, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) gathered eighteen Young Reformers from around the globe to feature in, and contribute to, the World Reformation Exhibition in Wittenberg, Germany.
The Lutheran World Federation organized its first interfaith “Peace Messengers Training” in September 2017. The participants gained skills and tools on advocacy, negotiation and mediation. They…