A pianist since the age of 12, who went on to become the first woman president of a French Protestant church, Rev. Emmanuelle Seyboldt reflects on leadership and “the Bible at the center of my life.”
In this ‘Voices from the Communion’, Pastor Carsten Gerdes, Dean of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy, reflects on the recent European Pre-Assembly and how to build connections between churches across the region.
(LWI) – Julia Braband (25) talks to the Lutheran World Information about the effect of youth participation in church bodies, the stand of her church towards right-wing populist movements and her…
Interview with LWF Council member Cordelia Vitiello, Italy
(LWI) – “You have to keep a lot of things in mind if you really want to help people,” says Cordelia Vitiello, who is greatly involved in the diaconal work of her church, the…
(LWI) – Restrictions to contain the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic have forced people around the world to self-quarantine in their homes and to maintain social distance.…
(LWI) - “Always questioning,” is how Rev. Sarah Farrow describes her Lutheran identity and the students she walks alongside in her chaplaincy work. Farrow is college chaplain for Mansfield…
Voices from the Communion: Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm
(LWI) - "Europe is losing its soul!” Heinrich Bedford-Strohm does not mince words when it comes to the situation of refugees in the Mediterranean Sea. The bishop of the…