Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Iglesias Miembro Los miembros de la FLM representan a más de 78 millones de cristianos de tradición luterana en 99 países de todo el mundo. Tiene 151 iglesias miembro, incluidas dos iglesias miembro asociadas, así como diez iglesias y congregaciones reconocidas y dos consejos reconocidos.
Image Human and Institutional Capacity Development (HICD) Planning Framework - Africa Outcome of the strategic leadership seminar/consultation in Nairobi, Kenya, 8-12 August 2011.
Image LWF Annual Report 2010-2011 This color brochure gives a glimpse into LWF activities in 2010 and the first months of 2011.
Image LWF Annual Report 2023 | In Christ, all things hold together LWF Annual Report 2022 In Christ, all things hold together
Image 2012-lwf-president-christmas-message.jpg Christmas Greeting 2012 The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) President Bishop Dr Munib A.
Image One Body, One Spirit, One Hope – Introducing the Thirteenth Assembly and its Theme The publication introduces the Thirteenth Assembly of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), and