Council members of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) expressed solidarity with the people most affected by climate change and severe weather events by joining in the Fast for the Climate campaign and calling upon the Lutheran Communion to join…
Sabha is a Jordanian woman and mother of eight living in Mafraq, northern Jordan, where her family of ten shares a cramped ground-floor apartment. In the hot summer months, the apartment is so crowded that some…
“My decision not to go back to Sudan has not been in vain,” says Makuach Abraham Kuf with a big smile. “You know, had the war not broken out again maybe I would be in South Sudan applying my Early Childhood Development (ECD) knowledge, starting…
Prior to the 2014 LWF Council meeting in Medan, Indonesia, the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) in North Sumatra opened its doors for Lutherans to visit the institute and engage in a dialogical conversation on…
Someone once wrote that "There's nothing stronger than a heart of a volunteer." I don't know who penned this statement but it’s a part of who I’ve turned out to be today. It all started a year ago in July 2013. I…
Of our four gospels, Matthew may be the one most favorable to women’s leadership in the early church. Matthew is the gospel where “women and children” are explicitly noted as present at…
After the incidences in Maban on 3rd of August where 5 humanitarian agency staff were deliberately targeted and killed, many agencies including LWF were forced to evacuate the staff out of the location. A number of NGOs – including LWF World…
I happened to be at the UN early one morning, to drop off information about a side panel discussion and noticed the sheer volume of discarded cups and half empty crumpled water bottles littering the tables in the…
“The Holy Spirit carves a way through the Internet,” said Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm as he described a special moment of unity in the Holy Spirit during a meeting of the…