I happened to be at the UN early one morning, to drop off information about a side panel discussion and noticed the sheer volume of discarded cups and half empty crumpled water bottles littering the tables in the…
“The Holy Spirit carves a way through the Internet,” said Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm as he described a special moment of unity in the Holy Spirit during a meeting of the…
As much as it is a fact that Jantine Auguste Haumersen was the first woman pastor ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, it was another woman (later to be ordained as pastor as well) who prepared the way…
The Wittenberg workshop of young reformers from all over the world stands out as a remarkable testimony of unity in a communion of cultural diversity, says Darius Lee, a member of the Global Young Reformers’ Network steering…
Christine Shander reflects on Workshop Wittenberg experiences and perspectives that have helped to enrich the faith of fellow youth from Lutheran churches across the world and encouraged them to grow together in unity.
Gints Graudiņš, a Young Reformer from Latvia, looks at the long-term effect of the Living Reformation projects by youth in LWF member churches across the world.
The New Testament is full of analogies that describe…
Die Welt zu Gast bei Freunden – so lautete das Motto der Fussballweltmeisterschaft 2006 in Deutschland. Ich finde, auch 2017 kann man diesen Slogan verwenden, wenn Menschen aus unterschiedlichen kulturellen Kontexten in Wittenberg zusammenkommen…
The Lutheran World Federation organized its first interfaith “Peace Messengers Training” in September 2017. The participants gained skills and tools on advocacy, negotiation and mediation. They…
Faith gives our everyday life depth that takes us beyond the material boundaries of the world. We live in relationship with a living God and we have ethical ground to stand on. Still, we are confined to the natural world of wonder and beauty, but…