More than 200 participants in the LWF Wittenberg Pilgrimage walked from the St Nicolai Church in Coswig along the Lutherweg towards Wittenberg. On the way they stopped at pilgrimage stations to sing and discuss the themes of the 2017 Reformation…
(LWI) - Women and youth members of the LWF Council had their Pre-Council meetings on the morning of 16 June. Among the issues discussed at the meetings were the preparation of future Council members for their role in governance, the role of youth…
LWF Finance Committee Chairperson Jackson-Skelton Report to LWF Council
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has maintained a strong commitment to financial stability, a balanced budget and adequate cash reserves to ensure its…
LWF Council statement on women in the ordained ministry
The annual governing body of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) today said it was “deeply saddened and concerned” over a recent decision prohibiting women’s ordination in the…
LWF Council approves study document, invites church action
(LWI) –The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Council has approved a study document articulating why and how Lutherans are present and active in the public space.
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) governing body has called for greater church engagement to enhance holistic life, equal citizenship, peace-building, democracy and inclusiveness.
I’ve worked in Honduras over many years since the late 90s, working in emergency response and as a photojournalist. Recently I went to visit some of the areas that were worst hit by the double hurricanes in…
LWF concludes education project which supports schools and communities
(LWI) - Teacher trainings, school improvement projects, school kits, vocational training and counselling for out-of-school youth - thousands of Syrian and Iraqi…
LWF speaks at Canadian Parliament on human rights in Rakhine State
(LWI) - “Humanitarian needs in Rakhine, Myanmar are a complex set of vulnerabilities arising from natural disasters, ethnic tensions, armed conflict, statelessness,…
LWF project enables Rohingya children with disabilities to attend school
(LWI) – Going to school is difficult for the about 30,000 internally displaced Rohingya children in Myanmar’s Rakhine state. Even more, if the child is living with a…