He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that, free from sins, we might live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. For you were going astray like…
LWF Good Friday Message 2021 by Rev. Dr Jeannette Ada Epse Maina
Jesus answered, “I told you that I am he. So, if you are looking for me, let these men go! “This was to fulfill the word that he had spoken, “I did not lose a…
I’ve worked in Honduras over many years since the late 90s, working in emergency response and as a photojournalist. Recently I went to visit some of the areas that were worst hit by the double hurricanes in…
LWF concludes education project which supports schools and communities
(LWI) - Teacher trainings, school improvement projects, school kits, vocational training and counselling for out-of-school youth - thousands of Syrian and Iraqi…
LWF speaks at Canadian Parliament on human rights in Rakhine State
(LWI) - “Humanitarian needs in Rakhine, Myanmar are a complex set of vulnerabilities arising from natural disasters, ethnic tensions, armed conflict, statelessness,…