LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr. Anne Burghardt visited the LWF member church in the Holy Land and the LWF World Service program in Jerusalem from 18-25 January 2023. She was deeply impressed by the work of the LWF Vocational Training Centers and…
LWF General Secretary addresses EECMY Committee of Mutual Christian Responsibility
The Lutheran World Federation General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge addressed the Committee of Mutual Christian Responsibility (CMCR) in Addis Ababa on 6…
LWF Youth Secretary, Caroline Bader, and LWF Council member/Director ELCA World Hunger, Mikka McCracken, examine the ways in which LWF youth can shape the Sustainable Development Goals
UN Commission on the Status of Women – Parallel event
How do communities of faith promote dignity, justice, and social protection?
Join us for conversation with churches from Colombia, Liberia, Tanzania and the United States as we raise awareness and partner together for positive change.
“Waking the Giant” is a global ecumenical initiative designed to build the capacity of churches to contribute effectively to the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Preliminary program:
What is Waking the Giant? Introduction to the global initiative
Agenda 2030 as an opportunity for convening Churches to jointly promote dignity, justice and service – the examples of Colombia and Liberia
Churches working together to achieve SDG5 – the example of Tanzania
Churches and Agenda 2030 in the Global North – the example of the United States
Annual global meeting of the Waking the Giant Initiative
The annual global meetings of Waking the Giant bring together implementers and partners to share updates on the initiative and develop plans for future implementation.
The preliminary program of this year’s meeting is as follows:
30 October – Internal meeting of target country representatives.
31 October – Update on Waking the Giant implementation at the global level and in the target countries; launch of a mapping study on churches’ contributions to the SDGs in Liberia.
01 November – Mid-term review of Waking the Giant pilot phase (working sessions).
Relating the work of churches to the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development
Churches have been working on areas related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) long before the United Nations even existed. However, very often, churches are not aware of how their work links to the work of the United Nations and its Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.
As part of the ‘Waking the Giant’ initiative, LWF has developed a tool that easily allows churches and related actors to make the connection between their ongoing activities and specific SDGs.
This tool, available online and as a paper version, will be officially launched during the LWF Council, in the presence of the Council members, UN and government representatives. Subsequently, it will be publicly available on the LWF website.
Investing in youth innovations on climate justice and peace mobilizes global action for sustainable development. LWF’s delegation to UN forum showcased and urged engagement with faith communities.
Africa Pre-Assembly discusses Sustainable Development Goals
(LWI) – With its commitment to raise awareness of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has asked members of the Lutheran…