I’ve worked in Honduras over many years since the late 90s, working in emergency response and as a photojournalist. Recently I went to visit some of the areas that were worst hit by the double hurricanes in…
Lima Pastor and Priest Describe a Journey of ‘Grassroots Ecumenism’
(LWI) – On 7 December 2014, Catholic priest Father Marco Agüero Vidal and Peruvian Lutheran Evangelical Church (ILEP) pastor Rev. Pedro Bullón celebrated jointly the…
(LWI) – Rome’s new Piazza Martin Lutero is not only a sign that Lutherans are welcome in the cosmopolitan Italian city but a reminder of Luther’s call for Christians to proclaim the gospel…
More than 400 young people join Living Reformation project
(LWI) Young Reformer and theology student Arkadiusz Raszka (26) from The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland is leading a Living Reformation project that has…
(LWI) - From everyday life into chaos: For the people affected by the recent conflict in Ethiopia, life as they knew it ended abruptly with the military offensive in the Tigray region. Even…
LWF-supported project builds resilience during crisis
(LWI) - Hidden from the visible impact of complex humanitarian crises are the tough choices women in low-income communities often have to make between catering to their own…