Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Iglesias Miembro Los miembros de la FLM representan a más de 78 millones de cristianos de tradición luterana en 99 países de todo el mundo. Tiene 151 iglesias miembro, incluidas dos iglesias miembro asociadas, así como diez iglesias y congregaciones reconocidas y dos consejos reconocidos.
Image Allanah Carron inside the United Nations headquarters in New York. Photo: Lutheran Office for World Community Learning to build a more equitable world A young participant in the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women shares top takeaways from her time in New York I was born and raised in Paramaribo, the…
Image Worship, Regional Workshop on Gender Justice, Hermeneutics and Development, Johannesburg, November 2014. Photo: LWF/E. Neuenfeldt Lutheran Women Theologians’ Network on the Move in Africa By Rev. Dr. Elaine Neuenfeldt, LWF Secretary for Women in Church and Society (WICAS) The meeting of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) “African Lutheran Women Theologians and the Regional Workshop on Gender Justice, Hermeneutics…
Image Women of the Mumanga community gather outside the classroom where their Creative Expression workshop took place. All photos: LWF/O.Schnoebelen Illuminating a village Workshops in Angola restore dignity to impoverished farmers One of the young men in Chinganga…
Image LWF staff support for the Masculinity and the ministry of encouragement LWF webinar: ‘Being (hu)man in a world of violence’ engages feminism and positive masculinities In the course of my parish and teaching ministry, I have encountered sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in many forms. I have accompanied…
Image Cameroonian theologian Rev. Tientcheu Djomgoue Marie Besong, a scholarship holder of LWFâs Hélène Ralivao Fund. Photo: Private Toward more inclusive, safe, and just communities Cameroonian pastor reflects on potential of LWF scholarship fund for the church in Africa It is a great honor to have been among the first scholarship recipients of the…
Christmas Video Message 2020 LWF President Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa Video Christmas Message 2020 'Unprecedented Christmas – Unexpected Joy'
Online Theology Course Eight-week pilot course in Lutheran theology, which ran from October 2017 until the end of January 2018.
Image Christmas Message 2017 In this year’s Christmas message, LWF President Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa reflects on peace.
Christmas Greeting 2015 - "Is there a place in the inn?” In his Christmas greeting, LWF President Bishop Dr Munib A.