An exploration of the diverse expressions and spirituality of Lutherans today
The first Wednesday of each month, you are invited to participate in "Being Lutheran", a monthly gathering for people across the Lutheran communion. This is an opportunity to connect with Lutheran sisters and brothers, and engage in the LWF study process on contemporary Lutheran identities. In this series, we will explore themes that emerged from the consultation in Addis Ababa, and explore the creative, vibrant, life-giving diversity of what it means to be Lutheran today. Each month will begin with a moment of prayer and spiritual reflection. We will welcome a speaker to present a topic, then break out for small group reflection and communion building among your Lutheran sisters and brothers from diverse regions and contexts around the globe.
Theme for August’s Webinar:
Forming and Informing:We will explore the importance of a transformative relationship between theological education and the spirituality of life together, as we cultivate faith.
- Rev Marcia Blasi, Faculdades EST, Brazil
- Sister Nicole Grochowina, Communität Christusbruderschaft Selbitz
- Rev. Dr Chad Rimmer, Program Executive for Identity, Communion and Formation
Register for the Zoom webinar
Further information:
More on Lutheran Identities Study Process
See all the Being Lutheran - webinar series videos
Consultation report
Video: To be Lutheran is …