LWF’s General Secretary reports on activities of the global communion of churches over the past year, as the Council gathers for its last full business meeting
During a solidarity visit to Odessa, Ukraine, VELKD leading bishop Ralf Meister said: “Together, we long for a world in which peace and justice no longer have to be fought for.”
LWF member churches in the region and the LWF humanitarian arm World Service were among the first to respond to the war in Ukraine. A new LWF publication celebrates the communion-wide solidarity in pictures.
Lutherans in Estonia have supported refugees of the war in Ukraine in many ways. They have made them feel welcome through pastoral care, practical support, and joint activities. A book now celebrates the pastors and volunteers who extended this “…
"Support vital for people desperately seeking shelter”
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has launched a call for donations to support the churches and people of Ukraine, who are fleeing their homes and seeking shelter, basic…