Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Die Ratsmitglieder bei der Abstimmung. Foto: LWB/S. Gallay German Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ukraine joins LWF as individual member Council approval pushes LWF member churches to 149
Image LWF Council members in plenary session at this year's meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. Photo: LWF/S. Gallay LWF calls for end to war in Ukraine and “bolder efforts” to address other conflicts Council urges concerted peacebuilding processes in statement
Image Grußworte an den LWB-Rat wurden überbracht von Ioan Sauca (ÖRK), Augustinus Sander (vatikanisches Dikasterium zur Förderung der Einheit der Christen), Hanns Lessing (WGRK), Ivan Abrams (Weltrat Methodistischer Kirchen) und Jean-Daniel Plüss (Weltgemeinschaft der Pfingstkirchen). Foto: LWB/S. Gallay Holding together a world plagued by violence and division Ecumenical guests at LWF Council stress urgency of deepening theological understanding and practical action
Image Kleingruppe während der Tagung junger Ratsmitglieder. Foto: LWB/S. Gallay Youth council members name key priorities for LWF Pre-Council meeting highlights meaningful participation and inclusion as key priorities for young people
Image Die Vesammlung der Frauen im Vorfeld der Ratstagung 2022. Foto: LWB/S. Gallay Strengthening gender justice and women’s leadership Women leaders representing all regions of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) gathered in Geneva on 8 June for a Pre-Council meeting