(LWI) - Candidates from Estonia and Zimbabwe have been proposed for the position of general secretary of the Lutheran World Federation. The search for a new leader of the communion of churches has been…
Report on LWF’s rights-based approach work in 2020
(LWI) – Through its local-to-global methodology, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) continues to work with refugees, internally displaced people, indigenous communities, ethnic…
LWF, ACT, and WCC issue joint statement following COP16 in Colombia
(LWI) –The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) joined its global ecumenical partners in urging governments to address the interconnected crises of biodiversity loss and…
BUCARAMANGA / Colombia (LWI) Entre los días 24 y 29 de junio más de sesenta niños y niñas de comunidades de la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana de Colombia (IELCO) participaron de un campamento infantil en el que juntos y juntas dijeron “busquemos la...