Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Members of the LWF Council welcome three new members to the communion. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert LWF welcomes three new churches to the communion Geographic reach of LWF extends to include Cuba (LWI) - The LWF Council has voted to welcome with joy three new member churches to the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). They are the Christ Lutheran Church (India), the United Evangelical…
Image In one of its COVID-19 response activities, the Cuban Lutheran church organized a community lunch for 320 people including members of the congregations of Cristo Vive, Cristo Redentor, Nuestro Salvador and Aposento Alto. Photo: IEU-SL COVID-19: Cuban Lutheran church extends food and psychosocial aid Assistance from the LWF reaches a growing number of people in need (LWI) – When the United Evangelical Church in Cuba Lutheran Synod (IEU-SL) assessed categories of…