What tasks and actions arise for the LWF member churches from the message and other results of the Thirteenth Assembly? Two German churches explored this together at a joint event.
LWF General Secretary Junge encourages youth to contribute new ideas
WITTENBERG, Germany/GENEVA, 28 August 2015 (LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge encouraged young adults from the member churches…
GNC/LWF scholarship holders grateful for widened horizons
(LWI) – Studying abroad, getting to know a different culture and language, taking up impulses from theology and church: every year about 35 students from member churches of the…
LWF Council member Julia Braband shares insights from a German hospital
(LWI) – Julia Braband has been working in the COVID-19 isolation ward of the Catholic Hospital in Erfurt for six weeks now. In mid-March, when sweeping measures were…
YouTuber launches new "Bible to go" series in 66 episodes
(LWI) - It might appear like a child's play at first sight: using Playmobil figures to tell biblical stories in video format. But the German author, director, dramaturg, and…
Voices from the Communion: Sebastian Bugs, chair of the GNC/LWF Youth Committee
(LWI) - "What needs to change in the church? And what should not be changed?" – Rev. Sebastian Bugs has been grappling with these questions long before he…