Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Vice-President Urmas Viilma during the June 2022 LWF Council meeting in Geneva. Photo: LWF/M. Renaux Estonia: The church, a treasure for future generations In this Voices from the Communion, LWF Vice President Archbishop Urmas Viilma reflects on his childhood in Soviet-occupied Estonia, his discovery of the Christian faith and his journey to become the youngest church leader in the region.
Image LWFâs new general secretary, Rev. Anne Burghardt of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church. Photo: LWF/A. Hillert Anne Burghardt: Hearing God’s word in a secular society Introducing LWF’s new general secretary who shares snapshots of her family life and faith journey (LWI) - Estonia is often seen as one of the world’s most secular countries “so something I will definitely bring is an experience of being…
Image The Executive Committee visited the Mayor of Tallinn. General Secretary Burghardt the city “continues to exemplify spirit of innovation and justice which was present when it embraced Lutheranism 500 years ago.” Photo: Ellen Rudi LWF Executive Committee meets in Tallinn LWF Executive Committee witnesses how historic Lutheran roots shape contemporary service in Estonia (LWI) - The Executive Committee of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) met in the Estonian capital, Tallinn, in late November, for its…