Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image The Lutheran - Orthodox Joint Commission gathered for its 17th Plenary Session in Helsinki, Finland, from 7-14 November. Lutherans and Orthodox finalize statement on ordained ministry Commission members commemorate 2017 Reformation anniversary (LWI) - The Lutheran - Orthodox Joint Commission on Unity has moved closer to publishing a common statement on ordained ministry/priesthood. The statement of the international…
Image Ulla-Maarit Magga, the member of the ELCF General Synod representing the Sami parliament in Finland. Photo: Aarne Ormio New translation of the Bible in Northern Sami language Considerable spiritual and cultural meaning for Europe’s only indigenous people (LWI) - The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland (ELCF) has approved a new translation of…
Image Finnish Archbishop Tapio Luoma . Photo: LWF/ S. Gallay Finnish church: an integral part of society Voices of the communion: Tapio Luoma, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland (LWI) - Tapio Luoma was elected Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland (ELCF…