Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Climbing Mango trees for some extra sweets is part of a childhood in the HKBP orphanage in Pematang Siantar. Photo: LWF/ C. Kästner Of Gifts and Burdens – Church Ministry in Indonesia By Cornelia Kästner, OCS What do Justin Bieber and the cross of Christ have in common? In Mamre orphanage in the town of Pemantang Siantar, they are both very important to a group of six school girls who put both up on the wall,…
Image The Womenâs Skills Training Center of Huria Kristen Indonesia (HKI) helps low-income and at-risk women find ways to increase family income through sewing. Photo: BLK HKI/Rumah Eco-Theology Economic independence, spiritual gifts: breaking the chain of COVID-19 The Indonesian Christian Church women’s center design and produce LWF branded face masks (LWI) – “Because of the economic situation, people do not come to make dresses,” explains the house wife who participates in the skills training…