Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Asian church leaders gathered to discuss differences and commonalities across Lutheran churches of the Asia region. Photo: LWF/JC Valeriano Embracing differences in multi-faceted Asia Lutheran identity acknowledges solidarity amidst suffering (LWI) - If there is no one common Lutheran identity in multi-faceted Asia, what unites the various Lutheran expressions across the continent? Asian theologians acknowledge…
Image With the LWF Rapid Response Fund, 35 women living in poverty in the UELCI member church areas have regained their livelihoods. A tiffin owner serves lunch. UELCI COVID-19: India’s churches help women achieve economic independence LWF supports women seeking safety and income (LWI) - As tailoring requests from the Lutheran congregation in the Chindwara region of India began to pour in, other women took notice of the formerly impoverished mother of five daughters,…