Assisi meeting to promote Feast of Creation Day
This 2nd Feast of Creation meeting is organized by the Roman Catholic Church’s Laudato Sì Research Institute, in partnership with LWF, the World Council of Churches, the World Methodist Council, the Anglican Communion and the World Communion of Reformed Churches.
It brings together church leaders, liturgists, scholars, scientists and other experts to promote the establishment of a Feast of Creation Day, likely to be on 1 September following the Orthodox tradition, that will be observed ecumenically. The goal is for it to be integrated into the liturgical calendar of the world communions with common lectionary texts for the day and other liturgical resources that will be produced.
The conference will explore the history of Christian engagement with the creation story, described in the book of Genesis, in the context of the growing climate justice movement. The Feast is placed in the context of the Nicene Creed and encourages an intensified study of the role of the Trinity in creation.