Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image A group of women participants at MLCâs jubilee. Photo: MLC Precious in God’s Eyes 16 days of activism to overcome gender based violence (LWI) The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is encouraging church leaders to speak up publicly against gender-based violence. Joining the…
Image Prof. Dr ĽubomÃr Batka was one of the two lecturers at the 19th International theological seminar held at the LWF Center Wittenberg. Photo: LWF/A. Weyermüller Critically reflecting about Luther for the 21st century Interview with Prof. Dr Ľubomír Batka (LWI) – Prof. Dr Ľubomír Batka from Slovakia and Dr Hoyce Jacob Lyimo-Mbowe from Tanzania teamed up to lead the 19th International Seminar for theologians at the…
Image Participants in the Global Consultation of Women doing Theology gather outside the Warsaw conference center where they are reflecting on biblical texts and relate them to the challenges they face in their churches today. Photo: LWF/P. Hitchen Searching for treasures of Lutheran tradition Women doing theology ask: What does the gospel say about gender in the church today? (LWI) How did Jesus interact with women in his time? How do the gospel texts challenge us today? How can the treasures of the Lutheran theological…