Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Rev. Dr Elfriede Dörr, head of ecumenical relations and pastoral training for the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Romania. Photo: Rares Helici Romania: celebrating 30 years of women’s ministry Pioneering pastor Rev. Dr Elfriede Dörr looks back at the challenges and joys of the past three decades (LWI) – The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Romania is celebrating 30 years since its decision to ordain women…
Image LWF Regional Secretary Rev. Dr. Ireneusz Lukas delivers a greeting at the CPCE assembly in Sibiu. Photo: Elfriede Dörr Hope in focus as LWF greets CPCE Assembly Protestant churches must stand together during times of crisis (LWI) - Addressing the 2024 General Assembly of the Communion of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE), LWF Regional Secretary for Europe Rev. Dr. Ireneusz Lukas emphasized the…