Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Catholic Bishop of Stockholm Cardinal Anders Arborelius and Lutheran Bishop of Uppsala Karin Johannesson lead the weekly ecumenical retreats to celebrate the gifts of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Photo: Magnus Aronson Pentecost retreats strengthen Sweden’s spiritual ecumenism Lutheran bishop and Catholic cardinal host online ‘Quiet Days’ in second edition of ‘A Spiritual Dwelling for God’ (LWI) - The spirit of Pentecost is alive and accessible online in Sweden, where hundreds of people are taking part in…
Image People queuing outside St. Pers Church in Uppsala, Sweden, to cast their vote in the church elections. Photo: Magnus Aronson/Ikon Sweden: Inclusive and democratic church elections Making the church election accessible for everyone (LWI) – The Church of Sweden, a member church of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), held its last church elections from 6 to 19 September.…
Image Bishop Johan Tyrberg, Diocese of Lund, Sweden, during a visit to the LWF Communion Office in Geneva, Switzerland, September 2021. Photo: LWF/S. Gallay Lund: Celebrating “five years of a new friendship” Voices from the Communion: Bishop Johan Tyrberg, Diocese of Lund, Sweden (LWI) – In this Voices from the Communion interview, Bishop Johan Tyrberg, Diocese of Lund, Church of Sweden, looks back at how a historic ecumenical event that…
Image The Church of Sweden apologizes for its complicity in the abuse of indigenous Sámi People. Magnus Aronson / Icon Church of Sweden apologizes for abuse of the Sámi People “An essential step forward on the long road of reconciliation” (LWI) - The Church of Sweden (CoS) delivered a public apology on 24 November for its role in “legitimized repression” and centuries…
Image (Front row) Former LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge (right) received the St Erik award from Church of Sweden Archbishop Dr Martin Modéus (left). Photo: Fredrik Lidé Former LWF General Secretary Junge receives St Erik award Church of Sweden honors Martin Junge’s leadership in ecumenical relations, gender justice and church engagement in public space (LWI) - The Church of Sweden recently awarded…
Image From Conflict to Communion: Together in Hope Joint Catholic-Lutheran Commemoration of the Reformation, Lund Cathedral and Malmö Arena, 31 October 2016