Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Ms. Matilda Mattson, LWF Climate Delegate representing the Nordic Countries "Thank you" Pentemont-Luxembourg church for a spiritual start to COP21 On 29 November, the LWF delegation was invited to the United Protestant Church of Pentemont-Luxembourg [Église Protestante Unie de Pentemont-Luxemboug] for Sunday…
Image Rev. Veronica Pålsson, Church of Sweden pastor. Photo: Private An invitation to focus on the pain of others in ‘our shared world’ Swedish pastor Rev. Veronica Pålsson says turning inwards is not the way forward God knows what pain feels like. I don’t know how you are doing right now. Maybe you are carrying some pain. Maybe it is starting to pass. Not all pain is…