(LWI) –A historic Catholic-Lutheran commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation will draw international attention on 31 October to the medieval city of Lund, with its magnificent…
Historic Joint Commemoration of the Reformation in Lund Cathedral
(LWI) – Pope Francis and the General Secretary of The Lutheran World Federation Rev. Dr Martin Junge jointly preached on the gospel of the true vine (John 15:1-5) during…
LWF President Younan and Pope Francis call for joint witness in a fragmented world
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) President Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan and Pope Francis today responded with words of compassion, encouragement…
(LWI) – Almost 500 years after the Reformation, which pitted Lutherans and Catholics against each other for centuries, leaders of the two traditions gathered in…
Monday’s prayer service in Lund Cathedral has moved Catholics and Lutherans toward greater cooperation and invited them to rejoice in the gifts that have come to the Church through the Reformation. With the…
Delegates from three LWF regions meet in Höör, Sweden
(LWI) – “The Pre-Assembly in Europe is an important meeting on the way to the global gathering of Lutheran churches, the LWF Assembly,” Rev. Dr Ireneusz Lukas, area secretary for…