Sabha is a Jordanian woman and mother of eight living in Mafraq, northern Jordan, where her family of ten shares a cramped ground-floor apartment. In the hot summer months, the apartment is so crowded that some…
(LWI) – Lack of education, protection, and assistance with livelihoods are the most pressing needs of Syrian refugees. This is the finding of a call to action by The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and 41 humanitarian organizations who are…
International Day of the Girl: Concern about the impact of COVID-19 on girls
(LWI) - On International Day of the Girl, the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is raising awareness about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on girls in…
LWF concludes education project which supports schools and communities
(LWI) - Teacher trainings, school improvement projects, school kits, vocational training and counselling for out-of-school youth - thousands of Syrian and Iraqi…