LWF General Secretary Rev. Martin Junge draws inspiration from the Africa leadership conference at Marangu, Tanzania, to show how collectively, churches can transform lives. He is interviewed in French by David Ben Adjia, of the Église…
Lunar New Year is, without doubt, the most important annual festival for the Chinese. It is not only a long holiday in Hong Kong, but also a time for family and friends to gather. It is…
As the fairly young and indigenous Lutheran church in the Republic of Congo expands its work, the pastoral training center it set up five years ago is welcoming students from countries in the region.
As part of its 75th anniversary celebrations, the LWF has established a Communion Solidarity Fund to which all member churches are invited to contribute to support each other in challenging times.
Changes in Departments, Welcome to New Member Churches
(LWI) – The Council of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) concluded its meeting in Medan, Indonesia, with decisions on ecumenical dialogues, finance and the work of the respective…
LWF Council concern over violence against religious minorities
GENEVA, 3 August 2015 (LWI) - At its 2015 meeting, the Council of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) adopted a resolution on the Middle East, voicing concern about violence…
(LWI) “I am learning to engage in international dialogues and build up relations with different people,” says Elizabeth Silayo (38), summing up her experiences. “I understand the world as God´s…