Religious leaders play a critical role, Younan says
Living and working together as people of different faith in the community is increasingly important in today’s global contexts where extremists are bent on using religion to create…
More than 400 participants from all corners of the world will swap stories stories, expertise and skills to improve the way they deliver services to people in need, at a virtual conference on…
Commemorating the Reformation by sponsoring refugees
In a first of its kind, staff from the three Lutheran bodies in Canada have jointly welcomed a Syrian refugee family to Canada marking the beginning of a year-long commitment.
BUJUMBURA, Burundi/ GENEVA, 2 March 2016 (LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) together with the ACT alliance is urgently asking for support to people in Burundi.
Lutheran churches support new strategy to fight FGM
(LWI) – “End it now” is the title of the graphic, chilling but real video. In the final scene a five-year old girl is wailing helplessly as her guardian “mothers and aunts” firmly pin…
NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritania/ GENEVA, 7. March 2016 (LWI) – It is rather unusual to see women in Mauritania handle large technical equipment, but Bowba mint Brahim and Aichetou mint Khayling connect the large batteries and the solar panels…
(LWI) – “We are six people in our tent,” Sory Rasno, 40, says. “At night the wind keeps us awake. There is no privacy, no space. The children start school this year, but they have no place to study. Here we can forget some of our problems.”
GENEVA, 9 March 2016 (LWI) - Today, more lay people are involved in the day-to-day running of church projects, accountability is improving and participation is becoming more inclusive. On 10 March, over 400 participants will take part in…