“It’s a God-given opportunity and at the same time a challenge, because in our context not many women are in leadership positions,” says Dr Ebisse Gudeta, the first female academic dean of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane…
In this Voices from the Communion, LWF Council member Jussi Luoma speaks about his work as mission coordinator and youth leader in a large Tampere parish, alongside his role as a member of a leading Finnish folk choir
A pianist since the age of 12, who went on to become the first woman president of a French Protestant church, Rev. Emmanuelle Seyboldt reflects on leadership and “the Bible at the center of my life.”
Malaysian Bishop Steven Lawrence shares his experience of church leadership in a multifaith, multicultural and global context, and how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the church.
(LWI) – Julia Braband (25) talks to the Lutheran World Information about the effect of youth participation in church bodies, the stand of her church towards right-wing populist movements and her…
Voices from the Communion – Rev. William Flippin Jr
Rev. William Flippin Jr is a strong advocate of ecumenism. In addition to serving as a pastor at his church in Atlanta, United States, he sits on the council of the…