Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Reformation 2017 Flyer As LWF prepares to observe the 500th anniversary of the the Reformation in 2017, this flyer is intended for the entire communion of churches.
Image 2017 Logo The logo for the LWF Twelfth Assembly and Reformation 2017 – the “2017 logo” – takes up the thematic focus for this phase of the LWF communion jour
Image LWF Membership Statistics 2013 These excerpts from LWI 02/2014 summarize results from the 2013 statistical survey of Lutheran World Federation membership world
Image Report of the Special Committee “Luther 2017: 500 Years of Reformation” The report of the Special Committee “Luther 2017: 500 Years of Reformation” submitted to the LWF Council in June 2013 provides a framework for anni
Image Council 2013 - Council Documents The LWF’s governing body between Assemblies came together for its annual meeting in 2013 under the theme, “Called to be disciples in toda
Image Prayer Service For the 20th anniversary of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification
Image Engaging Economic Globalization as a Communion The working paper raises some distinctive theological understandings that can place what is occurring in perspective and guide and critique ongoing
Image “Women on the Move: From Wittenberg to Windhoek” Toolkit The project “Women on the Move: From Wittenberg to Windhoek” (WMWW) celebrates the leadership and participation of women in the ongoing Reformation