Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Rev. SÃlvia Genz is the first woman to take office as the pastor president of the Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil (IECLB). Photo: LWF/A. Weyermüller Brazil: Building bridges in challenging times Interview with Sílvia Genz, IECLB Pastor President (LWI) – On 15 December 2018 Rev. Sílvia Genz took up office as pastor president of the Evangelical Church of the…
Image Rev. John Shadrack Donkoh, President of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana Photo: LWF/C. Kaestner Stepping up to lead the church in Ghana The president of the ELCG shares hopes and challenges of empowering a new generation of leaders in his country (LWI) - Rev. John Shadrack Donkoh was elected President of the …
Image Mary Philip is Associate Professor for Lutheran Global Theology and Mission at the Martin Luther University College, Canada. One of her areas of expertise is Environmental Theology and Ecojustice. Photo: Mary Philip Embracing sustainable practices and values Voices from the Communion: Dr. Mary Philip, Canada (LWI) – “We cannot go back to what was normal,” says Mary Philip, Associate Professor for Lutheran Global…