This year’s LWF retreat for newly elected heads of churches offered space to reflect on being a leader in different contexts, and sharing practices that drive church engagement, growth and unity.
UN representative underlines critical role of faith communities in the global fight against sexual and gender-based violence, and Lutheran church leaders share their churches’ response.
The LWF has opened applications for proposals of youth-led projects that can be carried out to coincide with World Interfaith Harmony Week in 2024. The goal is to promote interfaith cooperation between people of different religious communities.…
Hélène Ralivao Fund offers “unique opportunity” for women and men in LWF member churches in Africa to pursue studies in theology, gender justice and leadership education.
Young Lutherans will join the LWF General Secretary, Pope Francis and a host of other Christian leaders for a prayer vigil in the Vatican organized by the ecumenical Taizé community
Women delegates from LWF member churches gathered for their Pre-Assembly to worship, build, and sustain relationships, assess regional and global needs for gender justice, identify priorities for the coming years, and prepare a message to share…
A new learning program will be presented at Krakow Assembly on ‘Seeking Conviviality: the art and practice of living together in increasingly fragmented and unequal societies.’
Applications are open for the 2024 scholarship program and churches are invited to share details widely with candidates keen to pursue studies in theology and diakonia.
Discovering their special gifts, strengthening relations among young people in Brazil and realizing their connectedness in the global Lutheran communion were vital aspects of the recent national youth gathering.
At the 53rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, the Lutheran World Federation expressed concern about the number of countries where legal systems can be used to inflict domestic violence against women and…