LWF junior advocacy officer Marta Spangler attended a global advocacy training for faith-based organizations on women’s human rights, taking place in Geneva. She looks at the potential for international synergy through faith-based collaboration…
(LWI) - Together with many partners, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is bringing the voice of faith-based organizations to the Global Refugee Forum,…
(LWI) - At the 49th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC), the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in partnership with the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC)…
(LWI) - At the 49th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC), the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and its interfaith partners welcomed the appointment of the first UN…
LWF joins the WCC in remembering Dr Agnes Abuom, former moderator of the WCC, a “visionary and courageous” ecumenical leader from Africa, who died on 31 May at the age of 73.
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has praised Rev. Dr Philip Potter, the former general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), who died 31 March aged 93, as a “giant”…
Tribute to former LWF Assistant General Secretary for Ecumenical Affairs
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) shares with deep regret, the news of the passing of Rev. Sven G. Oppegaard, former Assistant General Secretary for…