(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has extended its condolences upon the death of Reverend Carlos Alfredo Duarte Voelker, Pastor President of the…
Brazilian church leader was dedicated to the ecumenical movement
(LWI) – Brazilian church leader Rev. Huberto Kirchheim, former Vice-President of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), died on 14 January at the age of 80.
Tribute to former LWF Assistant General Secretary for Ecumenical Affairs
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) shares with deep regret, the news of the passing of Rev. Sven G. Oppegaard, former Assistant General Secretary for…
Pastor President Adita Torres Lescano “walked with many”
(LWI) - Recalling the faithful and caring pilgrimage of Pastor President Adita Torres Lescano who died on Monday 10 August, the Lutheran World Federation has expressed deep…
BUENOS AIRES/Argentina, GINEBRA (LWI) – El domingo 07 de febrero se conoció la triste noticia de la muerte del Pastor Fabian Kreischer, quien fuera Vicepresidente de la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Unida (IELU). Kraischer fue hallado en su casa,...
BUENOS AIRES / Argentina (LWI) – Hoy 21 de enero, a las 4 de la madrugada, falleció en Mar del Plata el Pastor Carlos Alfredo Duarte Voelker, Pastor Presidente de la Iglesia Evangélica del Río de la Plata (IERP). El Pastor Duarte había...
(LWI) - As many Christians around the world anticipate an exceptional Holy Week and Easter period without the traditional physical gathering in church for worship due to the coronavirus pandemic,…