(LWI) The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is calling partners and donors to support the emergency response in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The United Nations have indicated that DRC is…
(LWI) - “Unity is a gift of God, given to us at the price of Christ’s blood at the cross. Therefore, unity is for free, yet it is very costly,” the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) General…
(LWI) The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Congo (ELCCo) celebrated its 50 jubilee with services of thanksgiving, seminars and conferences, as well as visits to the church’s theological…
Interview with Jacob Aleer, LWF Security Focal Point in Jonglei, South Sudan
(LWI) - For the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), South Sudan has proven the most challenging country in terms of safety and security in the past year. As the…
Refugees afraid to return, while food rations had to be cut in Angolan camps
(LWI) - Refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), who found refuge in Northern Angola after an outbreak of violence in the Kasai region, are afraid…
LWF’s intervention at 40th session of UN Human Rights Council
(LWI) – The human rights situation in Myanmar, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Sudan, and access to justice for people living with albinism were key topics for The…
World Service country program staff in Geneva for Global Leadership Team Meeting
(LWI) - How can the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) respond better to emergencies and to the long term development needs of the world’s most vulnerable…
(LWI) - All over the world, churches are making a difference for people on the move. They provide shelter, food and water, give psychosocial support, and help to build relations with…