(LWI) - LWF member churches in Asia have advised congregations to act prudently and avoid spreading panic, while introducing additional hygienic measures.
LWF joins call of Pope Francis for simultaneous prayer on 25 March
(LWI) - LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge has joined Pope Francis in a call that Christians worldwide pray the Lord's Prayer simultaneously on Wednesday, 25 March…
(LWI) – Restrictions to contain the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic have forced people around the world to self-quarantine in their homes and to maintain social distance.…
Exceptional circumstances require unusual approaches to congregational life
(LWI) – Hope and sorrow lie close together these days. This becomes very clear when speaking to pastors from different member churches of the Lutheran World…
Church leaders share messages of hope and life in advance of exceptional Easter
(LWI) - Offering solace and words of hope, leaders from the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches are sending Easter messages during exceptional…